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Learn about the current housing market in St Croix County
At Minnesconnie Homes, I know that selling your house is a big step. You might feel overwhelmed or burdened by everything involved in selling your house.
You're in the right place.
Find out what the Hudson, WI real estate market is like specifically
and what that means for your real estate decisions!
At Minnesconnie Homes, I know that selling your house is a big step. You might feel overwhelmed or burdened by everything involved in selling your house.
You're in the right place.
Find out what the market is like right here in St Croix County and Hudson, WI Specifically and what that means for your real estate decisions!
Hi I'm
Jeremy Jackson
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Real Estate
Sellers and Pricing
How much will you be able to get for your home in the current housing market?
Is it even worth it to sell your home right now?
What does this current market means for home sellers?
Buyers : Stand Out
Get noticed and get an accepted offer
Don't go at it alone
Know your budget
National Market Update
What's in store for SPRING market?
Mortgage rates are a wild card
Pricing will stabilize
Buyer Market Update
How much do interest rates really effect your purchasing power?
How much house can you actually get right now ?
Find out what interest rates are like right now
National Market Update
The market is always changing!
How does this effect you?
How does what happens nationally affect me?
What's being said about the market nationally that might not be true for you?
Seller Market Update
How much will you be able to get for your home in the current housing market?
Is it even worth it to sell your home right now?
What does this current market means for home sellers?
How to Use Equity
To leverage for next purchase
What is Equity
How much have you built?
Build or Pre-Existing?
Should you buy a new build home?
Things to consider
Pros and cons of each!
Clearing the Fog!
Understanding today's real estate market!
Fluctuating Prices
Interest Rates and Inventory
2023 Trends
What are the experts saying?!
What Features are being seen?
Sustainability and Price?
Build or Pre-Existing?
Should you buy a new build home?
Things to consider
Pros and cons of each!
Great News!
Experts are Predicting a Turn Around
Appreciation Slowing
Mortgage Rates and Inflation are Easing!
Want a free HOME VALUE Report?
Jamie Fahrenrkug| Realtor
Minnesconnie Homes
Brokered by Exp Realty
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